What is Career Guidance and Support?

A career guidance system can help people who are facing a variety of issues that affect their career. These include helping individuals choose different career paths, identify the most suitable educational skills and qualifications needed for certain jobs, and assist people who want to change jobs or careers. It also includes providing assistance with job search and tips on how to improve the skills of people who are already working in an industry.

The process of career guidance starts by identifying your individual needs. This could involve an evaluation of a person’s strengths and capabilities and their personal characteristics and interests. It can help people comprehend their options in the field and evaluate them against their skills, preferences, and aspirations.

People who seek guidance for their career and support often do so because they are looking to make a change or move higher up the ladder. It could be because they are bored of their current job, or they may believe that they have the qualifications to be employed but aren’t able to find one.

If you are contemplating changing jobs, a counselor can assist in identifying their transferable abilities and review various job descriptions to determine an appropriate job. They can also provide support in the preparation and training for interviews for mock interviews and work-related simulations that give people the chance to test out different career options before making a final decision.



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